Novel Select


A story set in pseudo-modern day Canada, following the relationships of a team of agents authorized by the government to defend against Biological Terrors known the world over as ‘Phages’. (LGBTQ+ Romance, Horror, 18+ Adult Themes/Sexual Content.)

Full Content Warning; Gore Description and Violence, Character Abuse and Trauma, Stated/Written Sexual Content, Abuse of Power Dynamics, Non-Descriptive Dubious Consent, Drug use/Abuse.

Riftwalker;; The First World: Home

A story set in a post-apocalyptic world filled with creatures of violence, following a youth who learns the effect of choices; of how even the best intentions can make everything worse. (Psychological Horror, Violence, Older Teen/Young Adult, No Sexual Content.)

Full Content Warning; Heavy Gore Description, Abuse of Power, Character Death, Implied Abuse.

Hiatus of Updates due to Google Drive Deleting 3 novels of manuscript for AI Consumption. Loathing :))))) [No more Google Drive Hosting.]

(Still being written up, but will be updated.)


Within the vast continent of Colligo lies a diverse collection of nations, all with their own unique cultural and political powers; While the whole of the continent is broken up into Seven known kingdoms that have recognized rulers and heads of government, a small sub-state is the Neutral governing statute of Colligo’s Academic board, which covers all costs for schooling and fees within all recognized Kingdoms. Over the last generation these Donnish have been pushing against the worldly accepted (And factually proved) Gods; The Twelve, and those known as the Major and Minor Arcana. Magic that is freely used has been slowly regulated by the Donnish Academics; the Spoken Poems limited over and over. Almost as if the heads of these Academics are fearful of when many voices become one…

((LGBTQA+ Themes, Gender and Relationship Exploration, Political Engagements and Diplomatic Structure, In-Depth Exploration of Spoken Word Magic, Gods vs Man, Ranges from 18+ to General Audience.))

Full Content Warning: Due to the nature of Starbound, I cannot tag them directly here, but when the pieces are set individually I will include them there. I can include that NONE of the Political powers are anti LGBTQA+ in an case or regard. There are many ways to explore political powers without racism or homophobia etc.))


A world co-created by my wife HLKPro and myself to explore a proper use of magic and development within the modern world. Canmore is an academy located in Scotland – founded by Malcolm Canmore in the 10th century. Humans have always been capable of magic, but in the 6th century during the ‘Spell Purge’ there was a split between those who were capable of it (Magus) and those who could not (Modest) and magic and it’s use became regulated into mythos in the ‘Modest World’. Schooling at Canmore is from ‘Elementary’ (Age 11/12) until ‘College’ (21/22) So students are fully ready for the world and careers in magical foundations. ((In Depth Magical System, Real World mixed with Magical, School Days, Character Development, Actually exploring Disability Accessibility in Magic, LGBTQA+ Themes and Relationship building, Saving the World Quests and Problems. General Rating of 16+ Not Graphic like my other work, but may touch on young romance through older school years. No Graphic Sexual Content.))

Full Content Warning: Religious Trauma, Discussions of Familial abuse, Mentions of Genocidal Ideology (Pheles towards Modest), Soft depiction of Violence/Gore.

Looking Glass

[Base Description being dabbled up]

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